Fannish glee is like that little girl in The Ring. If you don't inflict it on other people it comes out of the tv and eats you.
...Well, something like that. I think what I'm trying to say is that the only way I know to stop obsessing about something is to inflict it on others.
SO. DAVID TENNANT BOOGLY EYES. xDDD Gaawd, why is he five million kinds of adorable?
I think this has just replaced the unexpected!rapist Master macro as my way to call up spontaneous laughter. If only the people in my acting classes knew how many of my emotional cues came from fannish thoughts. xD
Also- am having issues with the Brad Dourif clips. The second panel recorded way too quiet and it's taking me a lot of effort to take out the background fuzz and hissing. Possibly I need a sound editing program that didn't come free in a cereal box.