because of being a fic addict, i suddenly found myself signing for a free account in lj. i just *had* to read 'two names' by dogpoet, recced in, rose_emily's webpage, who wrote 'omiai', and i would have given her a pulitzer (does that even apply in literary writings?) if i could. heh.
currently in love with clex, but not in smallville (because that show just...ugh). i could happily read all the clex fics in the world until the end of time. really.
also (at least used to be) immersed in harry/hermione fics, but since clex fics abound...there was never any competition. this is probably the longest i've even been obsessed with a fandom (9 months!!!), and that's just scary. my other hard drive is practically *overflowing* with clex fics, and i haven't even started making a dent in ssa's archive. *goggles*