The translator's got your back...

Mar 31, 2005 09:42 heard in my CS class this morning :)

Speaking of CS, I'm running into a small problem. I really really like the circuits and transistors aspect of computers. And it's pretty easy for me to understand. I'm also 2 months away from graduating with a French degree and still have yet to figure out exactly what I want to do. I mean I have an idea about designing an online French/English dictionary with Perl (Perl rules!) but not completely sure how I could make any $$ with it. I kinda wish I could turn back time and enter UNH with an Engineering major and a French minor :(. Blah or maybe I'm just being silly right now, I don't know.

When I was in HS I did horrible in Physics except for one section on circuits (which is probably the only reason I ever passed the class). I liked circuits. Then last summer I worked for my father installing alarm system and wiring the panels. I liked doing that hands-on stuff. Now in my CS class we're learning about transistors and how they function and connect together. Or rather I should say we learned as we did the unit a month ago but I still have the understanding of how they're wired in my head. That never happens, usually I forget everything as soon as the chapter test is over.

We also did this unit on how to switch between decimal/hexadecimal/binary systems, and I liked that as well. I always thought I sucked at math but I can do the equations correctly and easily.

So yeah... I don't know what to do with myself. I have this small inkling of going to a technical school but I don't know if I can put off entering the "real world". And maybe I'm just bringing this all upon myself to delay entering the "real world". ::shrugs::

One other thing
for all THE math nuts out there why is the factorial of zero, one? Can anyone explain this to me?

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