At the Risk of Jinxing Things…

Apr 05, 2009 12:57

As I opened one of the kitchen windows yesterday, mine eyes beheld a sight most sublime.

One of our kitchen windows opens onto the main living area of the residence of the Queen Bee of Krayzee over at Krayzee Kornerz. Yes, everyone who lives in this four-or-five-apartment complex is certifiably insane, but Queen Bee reigns supreme in the Wingnut Dept. And I believe anyone who has ever stayed in the Mom Room of Manderley will back me up on that.

"Oh my god! Ben! Come quick! You have to see this!"

"What? What's wrong!"

"Look!" I said breathlessly. "No furniture!"

"Does this mean … could it mean … oh, I don't even want to go there if it's not true!"

"You know last night they called the cops again around 5 or 6 in the morning," said Ben.

"What was going on?"

"Who knows. Who cares. Krayzee Drama. The cops couldn't have been less interested."

"Good riddance to diseased rubbish."

Oh, it's too much to hope for. And I've probably just ruined everything by mentioning it here before I'm absolutely certain of the vacancy.

This entry will self destruct.

And speaking of self destructing, my back (for those who occupy such a small space in this world that this information is in any way riveting) is slightly better, but still howls with gleeful masochism in the mornings and when I get in a car.

Thank god, and more importantly, thank thoughtful and generous friends, for…


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