Nov 27, 2009 08:10
I have been thinking about this post over the last few days, I don't think that I have written one in a couple of years. But, with the near conjunction of Thanksgiving and my anniversary, it seemed more appropriate than it does usually. Perhaps it is also that I am more thankful for things this year than I had been in years past. Given how much better this past year was compared to a couple of years leading up to it, I would say that is a definite possibility.
How can I not be thankful for my family? Jen, despite being in the flu post-throes, put together an extraordinary feast yesterday, including her famous pies the night before. That is just one of the things that she does all the time. This family unit wouldn't run nearly as smoothly as it does without her intervention. I love that there is someone out there with the same, despicable, demented sick sense of humor that I have, so I don't need to worry about her leaving me in disgust even when I make the worst jokes possible. I think that our current "2 girls, 1 cup" motif is particularly admirable, but you really had to be there. And Holden is so much becoming a big kid, it is scary and awesome. He is getting so smart, and so understanding, and he is turning out to be a great *person*. I am so grateful that my family has (relative) health, and happiness right now. On a related note, I am grateful to the professionals taking such good care of my dad right now - Dad, get better soon (who knows, you may see this!).
Just over a year ago, I left an abusive relationship with my job. I think that in some regards, in truest victim fashion, I didn't even realize it *was* abusive. As is often the case, it took going some place where I was appreciated for my work, my knowledge, and my dedication to getting shit done to make me realize just how bad the situation was. I keep looking back and wondering how much I brought on myself at that place, but I have decided to stop doing that. It was what it was, and I have moved on to a better place. There is no more need to look back. I am so grateful that I have a great job.
Those are the big ones. There are my friends, too, who still don't mind if I hang out, even if it isn't every time. I am grateful for all the assistance that has come my way regarding my art over the last year. I have had some great exposure, even better I have had some great performances. Truly an awesome experience. I am grateful that we have finally found a house we can call our own. This place has felt like home for a long time, the fact that we have a water bill now just makes it even moreso.
I am sure there are other things, but that will do for now. I can't believe that this year is done already, but it is almost there. Hope you all had a great holiday, and have a great cornucopia of things to be grateful for as well.
Oh, and Happy Ninth Anniversary, Jen :) Who would have thought you would have put up with me for this long?