Title: Your Decision
Author: Me
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Therapy Writing?
Rating: E for Everyone
Warnings: Un-beta-ed therapy writing?
Summary: Alfred hears back from colleges.
..it is with great regret that I must inform you that your application could not be included among our acceptances.
“Damn it!” Alfred slammed his hands against the table. “Fucking dammit!”
“Alfred, what is it?” Matthew asked as he rushed into the room. “What's wrong?”
“I-I got turned down...again...” Alfred replied, his voice dropping to a point just above a whisper.
“It's not the end of the world,” Matthew said sympathetically. “It doesn't really matter where you go to college, you know.” He slowly reached out and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.
“I know...” Alfred murmured. “But it's just...fuck...” Alfred's eyes suddenly filled with tears. He pulled off his glasses and furiously rubbed them away.
Matthew silently left his brother's side for a moment. When he returned he held his hand in front of Alfred's face, offering him what he held.
Alfred blinked as the object in his brother's hand slowly came into focus.
“A chocolate bar?” he asked curiously, taking the offered candy as he did so.
“It'll make you feel better,” Matthew explained. “You've still got the state school you were accepted into, and you can always transfer.” Matthew smiled softly at his brother.
“I worked so hard...” Alfred whispered. His eyes drifted back to the achingly polite letter on the computer screen.
Matthew grabbed Alfred's face and forced him to meet his gaze. “Don't blame yourself,” he said firmly. “I've heard that this year there've been record numbers of applications.”
“I guess you're right...”
Matthew pulled his brother to his feet. “C'mon. We'll go to McDonald's and you can have anything you want, my treat.”
De-anon from the kink meme. The prompt was AU with the characters applying to university ("college" for my fellow Americans).
So this was some therapy writing after I got turned down from three, yes three, colleges in a row (go Ivy League). In fact, the italics at the beginning are taken word for word from my rejection letter from Brown. This year was apparently brutal, with record-setting amounts of rejections and applications.
Thankfully, the college I've decided to go to just keeps looking better and better!