- The Ian Curtis biopic Control. It's nothing short of perfect.
Gala Darling. My girl-crush of the month. Those garish hair colours; oh, marry me Gala!
- Horse Mania. A so-bad-they're-good Tasmanian band fusing complete lack of musical talent with drunken in-jokes and lame poetry.
- The baby-blue retro wig I just bought from a recycled clothing store. It's a little bit Clockwork Orange and a little bit drag queen, but all awesome.
- Freestyle rapping at work and school.
- Scrubs. It's on three times a day on the Comedy Channel!
- Wide, 50s-style skirts and swing dancing.
- Grooves, beats and rhythms.
- The ridiculously expensive couverture chocolates at my work... all that gooey deliciousness and loveliness and divinity in one bite... aah...
- Getting my life back in order, slowly.
- Chaos.
- Sleeping.