A few weeks ago I sat in my chair looking at my swollen bookshelves and wondered just how many books I had the immense pleasure of owning. As I consider myself a list freak and supremely organised when it comes to my books, I was a little troubled when I could not remember which book I owned. So, I found this AWESOME program for the Mac. It's called
Bookpedia and by using the the iSight you can scan your ISBN codes, which will afterwards put the book in your database with lots of relevant information. You then have the option of doing many things with the lists from created new ones to uploading to the internet or or your files. It's brilliant. I have recently scanned all the books that have codes on them and found that I have 243 books. They also gave me a bunch of fun statistics that tell me that most of my books are on history and such. I can also search my list and mark off a book if it has been lent to someone (yeaaaaah, because I've lost many a book to over generous lending). They also have a program like that for DVD and CD's.
Just another reason why my Mac rocks.