Wanted: a ridiculously rich suga-daddy* who will buy me fabulously over-priced clothes and accessories**. To apply, please purchase several worthy outfits and forward to me. *Must be strong enough to make it to the end of next season’s fashion cycle.
All-inclusive vacationsto remote castles or mansions in the mountains or countryside (
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Oh, and did I mention that I have a magic lamp? So, whetehr I have money or not, I will make my first of three wishes that you have unlimited wishes. So there, set....when do I start?
Something outrageous for you: Ummm....the national republican convention? Yeah, I'd buy you that..or better yet, The Presidency.
What do they actually cost?
(Paul anonland)
Anyway, I'd get you a lj account anonymous ;-)
The first one is ridiculously cheap. Oh I live in England.
(P anon)
Which of those 3 would be your priority buy? I assume there is a lot more that you really want.
(P anon)
Oh and though it wasn't on my mind when I was idly browsing I would do some SD things if it felt right. And was artistic. Little semi-random acts of kindness. Point me towards an email address if you are serious.
(P anon)
That is quite nice of you but my post was in creative jest. Better that then just putting up a bunch of pictures and just asking people to look at the nice clothing, I thought :)
Anyone else in on this gig? As President I will clean up terrorism in 24 hours: I will unleash Jack Bauer - he'll do a good job.
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