[Fanart] Happy Birthday Inui!

Jun 05, 2010 23:26

Happy Birthday Inui Sadaharu~! 6/3

>: seriously, wth? I'm disappointed...6/3 went by with NO ONE posting ANYTHING about Inui who's, imo, one of the best characters in the series. So in his honor, I hold picspam (even if they're old pictures).

...I think he'd look hot in a bowler

I also think he'd pull off Jack Skellington?

My crack pair love, Inui x Sanada/Sanada x Inui

So old it burns but it's kinda prony pinupish which is necessary for Bday picspam

Pinstripes <3

Obligatory Data Pair, Happy bday Renji

Happy bday Renji

So why do I love Inui?

I think he's the best sportsman in the series. He's sadistic and weird and obsessive and a creeper but man...he takes everything like a MAN. He doesn't take temper tantrums, he doesn't hold grudges, he's always willing to make the best of a bad situation and he takes his lots in life with a smile and makes it better.

I love his never say die attitude and his sheer drive is astounding.

And god his intelligence is sexy.

He's also never arrogant and he works HARD to get where he is--even if he's under appreciated, I'll always love you Inui ;;

*hugs and kisses to my first favorite character*

inui, renji, tenipuri, art, fanart

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