star_quality38: ::MUAH::
Maros: ?
star_quality38: hey there cutie???
Maros: who is this?
star_quality38: Oh Ok LOL,Nice!how you doin??
Maros: i'm happier than a tarantula on thanks giving with no arms! You?
star_quality38: nice, nothin I work from home just starting doing these cam shows It's pretty fun actually lol
Maros: is that one of those cam shows i saw years ago where the girl went and commited sekkupu? that was brutal!
star_quality38: I am a little busy right now cant really talk here but I would LOVE if you came to watch and give me some company, and maybe a GOOD rating ??
Maros: i can't watch you. you have made me sad, back in 1986 i was deemed blind by a batch of acid that flew onto my face T_T people call me the two faced daredevil
star_quality38: well I think i have my free friend's pass lyin here one sec babe.. I mean would you want it??
Maros: does it come with an eye replacement, 1 million dollars and a key smothered in peanut butter? if not i will settle for a purple and yellow robt names swizlar
star_quality38: yup, I do got another pass left!..YAY.. just please don't tell anyone else I can get in trouble. What color panties should I put on for you sexy, i'll let you pick! LOL
Maros: put on the color that makes heads explode when they are seen. Since i am blind i am safe, but then i might have to go over there and hand you over to the police for killing millions...
star_quality38: hahaha! call em! and tell them you are reporting a felony... YOUR HAIRSTYLE!! You might wanna get that looked at!
Maros: I don't have to call them, they are friends with me. we are on a first name basis, me, john,stallion butch and steve. And for your information, everyone loves my hair. it makes me look like an angry version of audrey II. I could be in musicals you know!
star_quality38: Leanne is my real name but all my friends call me Lia
Maros: Well lia, i would call you LISONIHORIS. And when i sensed your presence i would beep like a crazy robot who dropped his head in the water, went to dry it off and suddenly realize that i was really a parakeet
star_quality38: k lol .. You joining me ?
Maros: You want me... to kill millions of people. Just like that... You want me to join you in a quest, You LISONIHORIS and me the Two Faces DareDevil, to make millions upon millions of people's heads explode, leaving a red marshmellow like mess in houses world wide JUST LIKE THAT!!?!?!?! What do you take me for?
star_quality38: Ok, go to scroll all the way down to the bottom babe, and you will see "friends of ME", click that and when you get the password page, put in the password:"diva" okay?
Maros: OH MY GALA! You have shown me something that my text to speech program can not translate. i hear url insert here , banana babies and tarragon giraffe fingers... what are you babbling on...
star_quality38: yup, fill out your info, make sure you put your correct b-day k?
Maros: it says First Name: Link, Last Name: Hero of Time, DOBeveral over many years. There have been many of me see... Email, Email Address again:
star_quality38: Its use the password: diva
Maros: I am not a diva! I am Link! The hero of time, who in this continuity has gone blind, and has a scarred face, there for making me the most awesome Link ever. I can do anything any other link could do, but i have kick arse scars and my lack of sight is made up by the intensified remaining senses!
star_quality38: Its use the password: diva
Maros: Now you just sound like a broken record... or a cop... ARE YOU A COP! FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
star_quality38: k, if you entered as my friend, it should say 0.00, if so you are good for my free friend's pass dont worry about the autorenew the pass cancels all charges
Maros: NO I DON'T HAS THE PASS! I am going to get charged for life, and death, and people will not mourn me for i am a genetic freak! HOLLA IF YOU HEAR ME!
star_quality38: CC is just to verify your age hun,its the sites policy to ensure no minors get access to the site .. i gave u my free friend's pass
Maros: I guess you heard me! I must say that through this conversation i have grown to like you... in a hate way... can i destroy your dimples with tentacles created by barbwire with pickles stuck on the barbs? it'll be painfully delicious! I promise!
star_quality38: ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.
Maros: PEW PEW PEW!!! IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZERS! *sneaks in through the security door and breaks the neck of the carrot standing guard* I'm in! There were several ferocious creatures standing watch. and this one room had speakers blaring chocolate rain and never gonna give you up at the same time.... I was getting rick rained T_T it was horrible!
star_quality38: k, you in yet babe?? Don't keep me waiting!
Maros: I already said i was in... OH CRAP YOU'RE BLIND! WHAT DID THE POTATO FEURER DO TO YOU!?
star_quality38: k
Maros: NO! YOU"RE NOT OK! I need to get you to a doctor... who is your primary care physician... maybe he knows how to reverse the potato blinding spell
star_quality38: k when u login click LIVEWEBCAMS and I'm the girl on the top row farthest to the left. There's a chat there so I'll see u there babe ... maybe u tell me what to do
Maros: I AM TELLING Y OU TO TELL ME YOUR DOCTOR'S NAME! Seriously! You cannot be on cam right now... these people.. are so disgusting it's making em want to unleash the inner thug.... But i can't . He's sleeping and he needs to stay asleep. Tell me your doctors name so we can get you some medical attention and we can end this huge mess
star_quality38: Leanne is my real name but all my friends call me Lia
Maros: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WTF! HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN!?!? What are you , dead? Please don't die... don't die.... LISONIHORIS. The panda plants need your care....
star_quality38: what? whats the problem sweety?
Maros: YOU ARE DYING! Don't you realise the seriousness of this issue. What will your mom and dad say? Don't die LISONIHORIS... They need you, the carps need you... sylar... i mean I need you