Dec 29, 2005 20:11
I must say that my vacation time is being well spent.
I arrived home friday afternoon, and the first thing that I did was, of course, eat. The following two days were spent doing mainly nothing in particular. I ate a lot, had a nice Christmas, made money to pay off my credit card bill, etc. Monday morning I dragged my ass out of bed rather early to make it for the Filene's 6am-12pm after Christmas sale. And I'm glad to say, I saved lots. ^_^ So it definately was well worth my time and missed sleep. I used the remainder of my Monday afternoon to make plans with my friends and family for the rest of week.
I can't believe how much I've missed all my friends from New Bedford. I remember once having a conversation with Phoung, and we were talking about how we share in common two similar types of friends. There's one type of friend who requires your utmost attention. They are the ones that we have to devote a lot of our energy too. They are also the ones who seem to complain about how you don't have time for them, or you don't pay enough attention to them, etc. Then there are the second group of friends who, like you, get caught up in their daily lives. So when you finally set aside a time to finally see each other it's this grand occassion. And what is best about these types of friends, besides the fact that they don't spend your time complaining about how you didn't make any time for them to begin with, you can easily pick up where you left off. It's as though as if the last time you talked to them wasn't 3 months, 6 months, a year, or 10 years ago, it was as though as if it were just yesterday that you saw each other. Friends like these are rarities. And it's friends like these that I'm incredibly thankful for.
For example, I made arrangments to meet up with Katie and Jen Tuesday night. We had a great time, went to see a movie, had our gingerbread lattes at the new Starbucks in the mall ^_^ and went to eat thereafter. The three of us spent the whole time talking, laughing, and catching up. It was absolutely fantastic. Even though Katie is one of the few people whom I actually keep in what I call, "the regular contact pile" because she has to be one of the few people who I talk to more often than others back in New Bedford, it was so great to actually sit there outside of the starbucks in the mall and just talk.
Today I spent the day catching up with one of my oldest best friends Kaitlyn. I haven't seen her in ages, and she's one of those types of friends that I mentioned before where you can just not talk for a long while, but then be able to see each other again and pick up where you left off. We spent our time today by going out for lunch at Antionio's (because no one can do Portuguese better than those in NB and at Antionio's) reminicising about the past when we first met in 5th grade, talking about past troubles with friends, future plans, and school. It was like being able to confide in a best friend again. It was absolutely great. And what's even greater is that we have seem to both have changed and yet have not. We can still talk to each other, but we've grown up. Life's made us a little wiser, experiences have left us with tons of stories to share, and our views on a satisfying future and the work that we put into those futures is equally matching. I have to say, my time spent with one of my oldest best friends was absolutely refereshing. She showed me the new house that her parents are erecting in Achusnet. It's absolutely beautiful. I'm invited to the house warming party sometime in the early spring.
It's funny how you run into different people. At Antonio's we ended up running into her father, who was having lunch there with some of his co-workers. I said my greetings and quickly excused myself when I realized that one of my ex-co-workers was working at the take-out window. I ran over to her, exchanged a few greetings, grabbed her new cell number and was on my way.
Even at the mall in Dartmouth when Katie, Jen and I were drinking latte's at the Starbucks, many people that we remembered from high school were there. It was absolutely surreal. You go from a university where seeing someone from your high school is a rarity and when you do it's as though as if because of the different enviornment you have retrograded back to a state where you are just once again strangers who vaguely knew that person form high school. And it's this distancing that I enjoy the most. Because out of all the people at the university they were probably the ones who remembered all the things you did in high school, or to say, how you were in high school or even in some cases even earlier. But this distancing allows you a chance to start over to be truly you without having to worry about past incidents popping up because in short, no one really cares what happened in high school anymore. The ones that do care are the ones that thrive on high school like dramas. But back from my digression, running into all of these people who you haven't seen in some 2 years or so is definately weird. There's no other word for it. And mind you, the people I do see are the people who were mere aquaintances so there really is nothing there for a basis for a greeting except maybe a smile or a wave. Others you just walk by. Now this could come off as being rather snobbish, but honestly I don't give two shits because whose gonna care? I live in a totally different world than those who were just my aquaintances in high school. We have no history no background to jump off from. I mean what would I say? Hi how have you been? Because depending on the person I could careless how you've been. Not that I don't care for the common man's wellbeing, but it's just that we weren't friends to begin with, we didn't hang out with each other, we didn't have lunch together, there's no connection. I'm just a girl that you went to school with simple as that. But you can tell the air around people feels different. It's like their own individual experiences speak for themselves without them having to utter one word. You can just see it.
Tomorrow I'll be spending the day with Nikki. I went to the mall again yesterday and passed by baby gap which was having a sale. And I couldn't resist. I had to go in and get the baby something. I walked out with an outfit and a baby wrap all wrapped nicely in a bag. I can't wait to see her. Then depending on my cousin's plans for friday night I'll either be hanging out with her or not. I spoke to her yesterday after telling her mom, my aunt, after running into her on tuesday night at the movies when I was with Jen and Katie, and my cousin said that she would be having some friends from Virginia up. I'm not exactly sure how many, but I'm guessing around 5. At any rate she has enough room in mom's house to fit them. I'd feel a little out of place hanging out with her friends from Virginia especially if they decide to go out out some party in Providence, because well one I don't know who her friends are and two I don't know whose party it is. But if they end up hanging around locally then I guess I'll hang around them. I wouldn't mind meeting them, but depending how they are will determine the amount of time I'll stick around.
New Year's Eve is still up in the air. I haven't heard any word from my parents about when I can leave. My dad has asked me on numerous occassions and I've mentioned that I'd like to leave New Year's Eve, but my mother was on a rampage about me staying until New Year's Day. I don't know why though. We aren't going to do anything. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to sort it out.