Sep 24, 2007 10:37

 So, sitting here at my good old laptop, a thought of winter break just popped into my head...

oh my god.

I am so fucking excited.
I can eat real food and not have homework!

This is the first time where it is guaranteed that I will not have homework over the break. I cannot contain myself.

Also, more importantly, I can take Katie captive about Kirk and go on some misadventures, like the good old days.

I miss Kirk, I really do.
I get to see real friends.

Don't get me wrong, I like the people here just fine, but how many of them will chill in my basement and spoon with me while reading Sex for Dummies? Or move from restaurant to restaurant in one evening? Or let me play the same boardgame in every room of their house? Or call me tin, or let me lean on them and sing camp songs at the top of my lungs down the street at 2 in the morning? Or take me home from a tie-dying session to drive me home and hold me to prevent me from passing out as they walk me to my door when I'm sick as hell? Or come with me to Fireside? Or know what I'm tlaking about when I say BHH or Powell, or Hawthorne, or Old town, or the Crystal, or the MAX, or Trimet, or "Balls!"? Or know how to actually pronounce the Willamette? Or know which quadrant of the city Lewis and Clark is in? Or understand that it's ok to wear flip-flops in the rain? Or know where Westwind is. Or know how to get somewhere without taking the RAZ. Or want to eat something other than Thai (which is delicious, but not like 4 days in a row)? Or call me Corbs? Or know when my birthday is? Or know what Tasty Bites is? Or know hte words to Sweet Treansvestite? Or have more than one Oasis song? Or listen to David Bowe's CHchhCHanges with me? Or understand what Dragon boating is, and why it is far superior to Crew?

Answer? no one but you guys.

Mainly, I am excited to have just one person know what I'm talking about with I say I'm going to Sneed, or hell, one person that knows what Outdoor School is. Oh my god. I have never explained it so many times before.

So, basically, I'm stoked to group to talk about how we're now different and recall how we're all similar and spoon.

Can we please spoon? Now?
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