
Jan 23, 2011 20:12

I was talking to one of my new kids today and here it is:

Me: Heeyyyy.. How are you doing? So what do you like to do at home? Watching tv...? (trails off into expectant silence. Normally this is the time when the kid pipes in with their favourite show..)

New boy: I like to do my homework.

Me: Huh.. (blinks) Right. I mean after you're all done with your homework, what else do you like to do?

New boy: More homework. I have a lot of homework.

Me: Really? After you're done with all your homework, what do you do? Read a book? Play games?

New boy: Noooo. After my Chinese homework, I have my Malay homework. Then my English homework..

Me: Wow. All right then. Let's see what we're going to learn today..

Man, that must be the most hardworking kid ever. And he's only 6.


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