Electronic mishap.. *sighs*

Jan 09, 2007 10:39

Because of the quake in Taiwan some time ago, our Internet connection hasn't really been back to its original state. It's been painfully slooowww for pages to load and do not talk to me about downloading. My brother sent a few pictures of him snowboarding (Aina wants it since she hasn't seen any snow) and it took around 4 hours (yes, more than 240 minutes!!) for a 7.6mB file to come through. And he's only in Japan, one time zone away, practically around this region and it took that long *sighs*

Which is one of the reason why I didn't feel too excited about being online. It kinda bores the hell outta you staring at a white page with just the header for the past ten minutes. If waiting for one page is hell, it'll be worse if the number of pages were added. The multi-tasker in me wept desperate tears.

All that has to wait until our connection stabilize somewhat. I understand, fixing those sea bed cables are a delicate task, but can they swim and dive just a little bit faster? *sniffles* Pretty please? Por favor?

Anyway, I think I'll go and see if my muse wants me to write something. It's been bothering me a lil bit, it's like the stuff are there, but they just won't come out. I wrote a couple of sentences and bamn.. I'm stuck.

I'm gonna blame you, syrai, for this. Your trout is damn hard to write mwahahahah


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