A warm welcome and a hearty thanks to those who came out and played the first Red Queen game, in the world of Nef-Etnus. Some folks commented to me on the spot that the depth of the world enhanced play, which I was glad to hear. I was worried about its complexity, but A--- stuck to her guns and that paid off IMHO. If you're of a different opinion, put it here. Anonymous posting is enabled, meaning you don't need an LJ account to post.
Me being the 'chief engineer' on this ship, I'm wondering about mechanics. One of the things I'm attempting with this system is to take the sting out of wildly disparate power levels. The 'RQ #' is a de facto power level, and characters ran anywhere from the high 30's to close to 80, with a median around 60. I'd like to know--did you notice? Did it detract from play? Did the Rule of Queens give a sense of equalizing that? If you can give me feedback on that, please do. When you do, it would help me if you could note the power level on your character, if you remember it. If not, use the character's name. We kept records.
Combat obviously needs some tightening up. One suggestion was that instead of drawing a second card for degree of success/damage done, use the suit on the card itself. Another suggestion was to continue drawing two cards but allow the player to choose which was 'first' and 'second', as can happen anyway in the confusion of battle. Any thoughts? I'll have to run the math, but what feels right to players is as important as the actual mathematical odds.
Edit--entry from A---- here: