The story so far: the short and snarky version part 2

Jul 16, 2008 09:38

...because while it's adequately snarky, it isn't all that short.

First part is here.  Enjoy the comments, a scene in their own right.


So of course Velga calls and says to get their feathered butts on the plane. She sees them all walk in together and figures that's what she wants to know, they're a team by gum. Then she hands them some relics from Michael and Rina-el walks off, and they're not a team by gum and nobody knows what to say or where to go.
Mitchim and twister-action-figure Corat go to see what's up with Rina-el, but she just tells them to leave her alone.  Rina-el, we don't know where she went after that because she won't answer the phone. Shenmachel and his boss are still on I-5, apparently oblivious to the fact that his fellow angels got off the plane at L.A.  They're good folks though, and most of them go to Elias' tether to ask to Jump to SFO since they all walked off flying there.  Well not all of them;  Da'at stayed on the plane to talk to the ice queen.  Second time it's happened, but there seems to be a trend of angels taking the proverbial grenade for their fellows.

Shenmachel on that long drive is no doubt remembering the conversation he'd had with Zahira about how to win Rina-el over, or at least stop antagonizing her so badly.  These lovely thoughts get interrupted by Mitchim letting him know what's up with things on the plane and things that hopefully will never be on that plane.

Oddly enough Shenmachel gets to the airport first, where he runs into Ryuki.  It's Mr. Tact talking to Mr. Patient, with predictable results. Ash, Mitchim, and Zahira get there just in time to see Ryuki's bodyguard eye him out of doing something really stupid.  Poor Zahira doesn't know what's going on.  Poor Ash seems quite upset, and he doesn't even know the guy either.  Shenmachel wants to get the angels all aside for a talk, but the bodyguard wants to know why he got called to bodyguard.  He gets half an answer and has to be content with that.  Ash has to mention that the Wind tether has been breached without having to explain to the bodyguard what a 'tether' is and why it doesn't matter than an aircraft was attacked, seeing as the bodyguard just told them he's an off-duty cop.  He pulls it off though, and the bodyguard lets them alone.  Good thing too, because Ash is getting twitchy.

Da'at walks up and passes the bodyguard on his way in and the bodyguard's way out.  He says a nice hello and asks Mr. Green to extend a message of peace to his possibly shellshocked little client.  Mitchim asks a local where they might get a private conference room.  Corat calls once they're all inside--don't Windies have the greatest timing?--and assures them he's okay, locked down in the War camp for the moment but not bad for all that.  He mentions that all the Wind tethers are shut down and the War tethers are slowly being reopened as Laurence's boys satisfy themselves that Valefor didn't come in that way.  Da'at confirms this and states that Ryuki is under his protection just now--don't you mean Yves' protection?  I mean dear, things would be a lot simpler that way if the little dragonboy got out of line.  Especially since the way he talks he's been on the wrong end of a geas, and no telling when or to whom.

Mitch and Shenmachel throw the Habbalite into the mix, and the party's problem is threefold:  a Demon Prince, a loose Habbalite, and a rogue Loa, who may or may not be connected to each other.  Shenmachel knows the Habbalite intimately, but not in a slashy way (entry #702).  Lucky for him he finishes the story before Corat gets interrupted on his end and hides his phone from whoever's in the tent with him, hides it with the help of his boss Nisroc who doesn't like his name spread around and uses the voice of a teenaged boy.  Despite Boss' really weak objections the General's Guard puts Velga under house arrest--does nobody like this woman?--until she can spill out the relic-knives or whatever it was let Valefor trace that tether.  The Guard is going to come bug Da'at at some point too, and Boss/Nisroc chides Corat for being snarky.  C'mere, mister Boss!  So they hang up the phone and head to the Fire tether at the Palace Hotel.

Mitch takes the lead, and Zahira puts in the copious amount she knows about Infernal politics, and either those politics have shifted a lot since she was in Hell or Hell's Princes aren't wholly behind all this mess.  Shenmachel's thinking this might be coincidence, Valefor a fluke and handled by the Host anyway, and that the Baron's their biggest problem.  Mitchim agrees, but he's curious about what Shenmachel promised to tell earlier--what exactly did he talk about with Ryuki?

( pg 72)

So he tells them--Marty the pilot asked whether the mojo he had would get his wife knocked up, and Ryuki told him to ask the Virgin Mary, and then he got all hot when Shenmachel said about cooperating, so this makes Ryuki damned. Saint + damned gives Zahira whiplash.  Rina-el shows up wondering what's up with R & C, and C answers part of that by showing up.  She hands Shen the keys to an apartment and he answers the other question...gee, telling a sorcerer that he's damned tends to loosen them up so well, wonder why it didn't work this time?  Well, at least Corat can answer 'where were you the night of...' without getting upset.  Chalk one up for Windies' even tempers.  Then he gets all commando--no, I'm not talking about his underwear--and ruffles Ash's feathers.  Mitch notes that the Wataris are mixed up with the mob but Corat figures that's a distant issue compared to the Baron being mixed up with the pilot of a commercial airliner with a tether on it.  The pilot whose top-gun flying created the tether in the first place.  Corat seems to like that he ruffled feathers 'cos then he got to see all the nifty talents under them.  Boss said it right--sneaky Windy.

So the batch of them decide what needs done:  chat with the Dreamers to get to the Loa, check.  Find out who the curandera was who sold Marty the stuff, check.  Find out everything there is to know about the Habbalite and get him out in the open, check.  Get yourselves invited to Marty's house to see if he has a bad mojo altar, check.  Apologize to Da'at for being an ass, check...well, that's C's job.  Ask Rina-el what she's plotting...not going so good.  Mitchim asks if anyone knows about Ruby, and she's the Lilim who runs the demons in L.A., and seeing as the demons run L.A. she must be something.  Huddle, break, and meet back at 2.

Ash gets that nasty little feeling and moments like this it sucks to be a Cherub of Fire.  The nasty feeling though has nothing to do with the nasty news story, in which somebody carved up a 'psychic' reader and left a symbol that sounds way too familiar at the murder scene.  Before he sees that news though Ash gets news from somebody else, saying Hi, I'm the new party member.  Poor Ash, nobody told him about this, but that doesn't mean it's fake, could just be the whole lines of communication have always sucked on this project.  He'd even met with a couple of Dreamers earlier to get celestial visas and they didn't mention it.

So Corat is actually early back to the hotel and all chill, and Mitch gets there first.

in nomine online, mhc, in nomine, in nomine fanfic, snark

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