Aug 16, 2006 16:34
Okay, it suddenly occured to me that I've had my bag of Darjeeling tea a whole month and hadn't tried it yet. ^^;
They're changing out the water mains near where I live, so we're on a boil water notice anyway. What better way to make the most of all that boiling than to make myself piss like a racehorse brew gallons of tea.
It's got an interesting flavor. It's clearly a black tea, but the stuff I have has almost a floral taste to it. It's nice and bold too. (yum!)
I think I have a second favorite. =) Of course, my favorite is still my Kukicha Hatsukura. So much tea, so little time.
Anyroad, spending more time on my dictionary. I hate leaving the main page in a lurch like this, but I'm not going to fiddle around with the code any further until the new version comes out.
I'm in an odd position where I can tell my dictionary is getting decent usage, lots of people are using it, searching through it, and linking to it when they need to define something. Usage ranges from anime sites, blogs, and a few gaming sites. Heck, I'm even getting hits from a few colleges who are linking to me as a cultural resource. (Though I have to call my own authority into question here...) But I'll be damned if I know what to do with the thing. I had no intention of making it into a Japanese <-> English dictionary, but I've added 50+ words I've picked out of my Naruto fansubs.
As bent out of shape as I get about not getting feedback for the main site, I get absolutely nothing out of the dictionary. I received my first e-mail about it in three years day before last (sent through the library *sigh*), when someone e-mailed me about my definition of yuri. They insist I have to include that it also means beauty, claiming that their Japanese teacher told it meant that. Their inclusion of their teacher's name doesn't mean much to me; but, some kanji I could print out and take to Yoshiko's when she gets back (or e-mail to Ook) would have been better.
The 'tone' of the e-mail annoyed me enough that I deleted both his original message and his reply, even though they're still sitting in my trash folder. And this brings me to the real point of this post. I beg and plead for help almost every update. Yet when someone tries to offer me some feedback I get annoyed.
Was it because it was sent through the wrong form? I run the damned dictionary, but I spent nearly a half hour trying to find where I'd explained what yuri was on the library. -_-;; Of course, I also have my dictionary form set up so it preceeds every e-mail with "DICTIONARY -- {subject}".
Was it the tone? I don't mind someone telling me they study Japanese, but this guy tried to explain his credentials in his second reply -- even going as far as to give his teacher's name. The actual content of both e-mails after that was a single sentence. It felt almost arrogant to me.
Or am I the one being arrogant?
I don't know. I checked my Japanese <-> English dictionaries and all I found was yuri (alone) meaning lily and that it was a girl's name. So, I e-mailed Ook. (*super glomps!* Thanks!)
Maybe it's time I just remove the contact form...