Now that we've gotten Shinigami blue straightened out (still nothing for the Front Desk) and released for eFiction, it's time to move on.
I finally have something to show for that Pretear layout I promised Crimmy. %$#&, it's too pink!
Anyway, I'm a theif this time around. Between Sally and I we have about 20 layouts at some level of doneness and something "clicked" when I found the rough start of this in her project folder. It was originally going to be one of the wide header layouts she's been doing so often lately. I trimmed the header down to the line with the logo and then went from there.
It's about 50% HTMLed, but it doesn't look nice enough yet to post a screenshot of so I filled out a mockup in FW. (Did I mention it's too pink?)
I still have to play with the Soi layout Hil made for us, but I'm playing lazy. (aka I don't know what the hell I'm doing in phpBB)
But now I think I'm going to play some Final Fantasy to try to shake my pink overdose. This is the lurker extraordinarie, over and out.