More Plans

Jan 23, 2012 14:20

What I need to get done at BreakThru:

1. Edit the BTR Styleguide and finalize it
  a. Present to the entire editorial staff as a standard of writing at BreakThru.
        i.  A writing guide for DJs, ten simple rules
                a. Italicizing album titles, so forth.
2. Devise a Third Eye schedule.
    a. Announce there will no longer be loose due dates.
        i. Use ideas from original pitches, advertise them to writers outside.
        ii. Starting to post on Friday
              a. With the increase of Third Eye writers and ideas, we'll expand to MWF.
3. With three more staffers at BreakThru
    a. Organize a new editorial system:
        i.  MD articulates the pitch of original piece with writer, and oversees the three-day prior "check in"
        ii. The copy editors go over for grammar, typos, and fact checking.
        iii. Goes back to MD for final okay and post,
            a.  To post editor (Jake for final typo check).
        iv. Will operate on working, rotating schedule all week, 365 days a year.
        v.  Will require all articles to be handed in before weekends and holidays.
        vi. Needs more thought.
   b. Finalize twitter feed and news division.
        i.  Weekly twitter update Third Eye posts on Thursdays
 4. Switch to a post-rock, prog talk show?
     a.   Come up with a pitch/demo for Cal.
 5. Gently recommend revamping the staff meeting submission system.
     a.   Asking everyone divise a corresponding email that better articulates their ideas.

Social concerns

1. Job for the weekend.
    a. coffeshop, ask Emily.
2. Set herbal half-mark for second weekend of February.
3. Standardize all expenses, with raise in check, for all months proceeding January.
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