Jan 04, 2012 17:49
1. To live in Manhattan with Tim Dillon for the next five years, starting at the end of this summer.
2. To be paid for writing about music and politics for the rest of my life.
3. To finish my record, There's No Place Like Nowhere, this year.
4. To volunteer for nonprofit work again, but peon stuff. No calling shots.
5. To utilize my networking skills without shame of pretension.
6. To be active in other people's lives again.
7. To treat every day as a fine piece of art.
8. To be a person of moral and upstanding character;
9. A person not to be wasteful of good times,
10. To be full of forgiveness, especially for myself.
11. To listen to nothing but subjectively awesome music.
12. To put $2,000 into an IRA every year.
13. Treat all women with unbridled respect and decency.
14. To better honor my friendships with overwhelming respect, hospitality, and generosity.
15. To love myself more than I do now.