Dec 06, 2011 13:25
More answers, notions, observations:
1. Yes I can multi-task, but I should define how well I'm doing anything by dividing the utmost quality of what I'm doing by how many things I'm doing at the same time.
2. I need to finish that mix-tape blueprint album I've been thinking about.
3. I'm no longer nostalgic. Nostalgia does not serve a purpose.
4. Neither does melancholia -- but they will be flaws I want to project onto my characters.
5. I have the morality of a pirate. That's not that bad of an image to draw, but I also want to be a father someday.
6. I need to let go of pleasure.
7. "Whatever you do," says courage-projecting 20th century film hero in my head, "life's best spent learning to love what is."
8. I'm lustful and insatiable. These are weaknesses.
9. I need to narrow down the integrity of the women in my life more thoroughly than I narrow down my favorite music. The pattern of disproportional time spent analyzing the former over the latter is embarrassing.
10. There is a universal oneness pervading in my questions, like Hobbes.
11. Conversely to how I feel I should serve the greater good, I'm unconvinced pursuing a truer understanding of the self by any means necessary is less important than understanding the masses by comparison.
12. I don't know how good of an artist I am, but I am at least four times the musician I was at 18 years-old. I need to keep practicing and to my imagination's demands, it will be my greatest teacher.
13. I don't care to be famous, I don't care to be rich, I want to be great. Whatever sounds I make that in turn, make me the happiest will define how great I think I am. To be the absolute greatest at what I intend to do will make me the happiest.
14. To be the best writer, musician, and artist I can be. That's all I intend to do. Simple as that.
15. In order to confront my problems with physical and material displeasure, they need a healthier way to be transmitted out of the body.
16. Socrates was really self-righteous. I know I've got a bronze-soul. I'll work with it.
17. I don't find the visual (or rhythmic, in music) aesthetics of the digital world to be superior to that of the physical.
18. In music, I find disproportional, free-jazz like, chaotic rhythms to be under-utilized in the digital age.
19. Synthesizers I have no problem with.
20. What any one of my closest friends or enemies from Rhode Island or Quinnipiac does in the privacy of their lives has absolutely no running effect on my destiny. They are all too far away to impede on my ambitions. What I do from here on in relies entirely on me and only me. This makes me fearful and reclusive.
21. I have no collaborators, therefore I don't have to let what anyone's reaction to my work is on the final product. -- so why should I show them?
22. I could give a shit if I'm going to that Holiday party, as long as I'm with Ariane.
23. If I spend at least an hour a week scanning band camp profiles and myspace for poets, I will get guests on my show. Other than that, that's all the effort I'm putting into scheduling guests.
24. How badly do I exhibit the symptoms of Peter Pan-syndrome based on #5?
25. Do I hold men and women to be truly equals? Does this impede my ability in any way to more comprehensively understand the differences between them internally? Is to realize one's own humanity is to surrender the concept of one's own gender?
26. #11 - Masses vs. environment? Is the environment that which can not be served? Is there a good to maintaining our environment outside of lines of property?
27. What is our relationship to property?
28. Am I as crazy about Ariane as I'm not letting myself think I am? By asking that question am I not only certifiably straight but also open to (gulp)... love.