Jan 27, 2008 15:39
Hello, Hello everyone!
I have decided it is finally time for the second instillation of Arts & Crafts revolution. The first was a very quickly put together issue circa 2001. At the time I refered to it a " a jumping off point rather than an instructional zine". I've decided to finally get off my butt and put out number two. Seven years seems like an adequate hiatus.
Although I'm not looking for submissions for this issue I am hoping to have a section recomending/reviewing other arts and crafts zines. I can't afford to pay but will gladly trade a completed issue of number two! huzzah!
Now, you may often see offers like this but consider for a moment that this zine has sold at least a thousand some odd copies everywhere from Sydney to Texas to Portland to Right here in Canada and distros all over the place. Wouldn't it be super cool to have your zine recomended in all these places? Yes, yes it would. (not to toot my own horn or anything)
Ok so, end your artsy crafty zines my way.
1333 South Park St.
Halifax, NS b3j 2k9
*cross posted, sorry*