Here is a google assisted translation of
Angela Merkels press statement about the election of Donald Trump
Ladies and gentlemen,
I congratulate the winner of the presidential election in the United States of America, Donald Trump, on his election victory.
The United States of America is an ancient and venerable democracy. The election campaign this year was exceptional, with a kind of face-off that in parts was difficult to bear. Therefore, I have awaited the election results with particular suspense, just like most of you, I suspect.
Whom the American people elect to be their president in free and fair elections, that has significance far beyond the US. It holds for us Germans: There is no country outside the European Union, with which we have a deeper connection than with the United States of America.
Whoever governs this great country with its vast economic strength, its military potential, its cultural imprint, bears stewardship/responsibility that is felt almost everywhere in the world. The Americans have decided that this stewardship/responsibility will be carried by Donald Trump over the next four years.
Germany and America are linked by values: democracy, freedom, respect for the law and respect for the dignity of man, irrespective of origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or political attitude. On the basis of these values, I offer close co-operation to the future President of the United States of America, Donald Trump.
The partnership with the United States is and will remain a cornerstone of German foreign policy, so that we can tackle the great challenges of our time: the pursuit of economic and social well-being, efforts to achieve clear-sighted climate change policies, the fight against terrorism, poverty, hunger and disease, the commitment to peace and freedom - in Germany, Europe and the world.
Thank you.
Wednesday 9 November 2016
A reporter in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung observed:
- The statement is short and tight, barely meeting protocol, and is bereft of the usual diplomatic fluff like "looking forward to working together"
- Merkel listet matters of course as if they were admonitions
- The support is conditional: "On the basis of these values"
- The statement ignores Trump's "we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone - all people and all other nations"