Jun 16, 2007 16:01
I like to confuse everyone, so I am now going to be working as an instructor at UK, at least until Taylor graduates.
I'm pretty bummed that I missed the Blondie/Eraser/Cyndi Lauper/Dresden Dolls concert, mostly because of the Dresden Dolls. I am girl-crushing on Amanda Palmer so hard that it is reaching a frightening level. I think I'm going to buy their "Live in Paradise" dvd since I youtube songs from it at least once a day. I've listened to Yes, Virginia every day since I stole it off the Internets. That's right, even when I love a band, I am still too cheap to actually cough up the 14 bucks (or however much CDs cost these days) to actually purchase their music.
I saw Hostel II and was thoroughly disappointed. I thought it was supposed to be gorier than the first one, but it was rather tame. You would think I would have learned my lesson by now to not expect anything out of movies these days, but I keep on going to them and keep on feeling like American films (like American politics, economics, and science) is being surpassed (and arguably is already surpassed and has been for a long time) by the films of several other countries.
By the way, even Columbia is giving gay couples more rights than the US. Someone needs to work on this. Too bad none of the democrats has the balls to take on the issue of gay marriage. They are all too busy talking about how much they love Jesus. Not even Hillary will help, and we all know she is a flaming lesbian devil woman who eats babies and will completely corrupt "family values".