Oh yes. If I die tomorrow/today because I don't wake up from surgery (which will be my luck), I'm so going to hell. Why?
I'm listening to the new Backstreet Boys cd on AOL music.
And I like it. I mean, I really like it. I might actually...buy it. Oh my God. I'm going insane!
Well, I mean, I used to be a fan, until 6th grade and I totally copied Brittany since I wan naive and wanted a friend, and turned against them. And since then, I've hated them. But wait, Britt doesn't even talk to me much anymore, so why should I still pretend to follow her? (No offense if you read this). Maybe I am a fan.
Anyways, I took this quiz online, and I find my results to be rather cryptic, and ironic.
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You? So, if I don't come online the next 2-3 days, I'm either
1. Really tired & sleeping.
2. Too drugged out.
3. Dead.
And if I die, let me leave this by saying I love all you LJ & Xanga people. Thanks for the comments, and especially to the Clay fans on IDF-thank you for being my best friends in the world. I love you.