Title: Eight and Eighth
Author: Marmalade Fever
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and more.
Genres: Romance, Drama, weird combo of in-Hogwarts and post-Hogwarts, and Humor. I can't write a fanfic without humor leaking its way in.
Spoilers: DH (though no epilogue)
Overall Rating: PG-13
Summary: Up from the ashes of seventh year grow the roses
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Comments 6
Loved the chapter. :)
Pour would just be weird. :P
The daydream/dream/imagining sequence was fantastic. Just the metaphorical content, and the way you phrased it all -- lovely. ^^
Luna is kind of adorable, in that Luna way she has, and I love how Dean just sort of absently humors her. XD
MAN, I thought Amorell was doomed. I was getting all excited.
Much as the cliffhanger is dismaying, that was a perfect way to end the chapter, so I'll definitely hand you that one. ;)
I quite liked the daydream. Funny thing was, it kind of just morphed out of nothing, and then I had this rockin' almost-kiss and didn't want to waste it but didn't want to have a real one at this point in the story... so... lol
I am pro Dean/Luna! What would they be called? Duna? Deana? Lean? Luan?
I'm not sure what I would do if Amorell disappeared. I'd either have to call in another teacher or have them have a free period, and what fun would that be?
Poor Draco's nose. :P
It was made of win and awesome. 8D The level of detail was just extraordinary, and it flowed somehow, in this crazy-ethereal-fantastic way.... *fangirls some more* :D
Ha! I think any or all of those would be sufficiently absurd. 8D Lean (whoops XD) towards Duna though. :P
Yeah, Amorell's too good to lose. She makes an extremely effective antagonist. :P
Poor, poor Draco's nose. XD
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