Title: The Subjunctive
Author: Marmalade Fever
Characters: Draco Malfoy, implied Hermione Granger
Genres: Romance, Drama, drabble
Spoilers: None
Overall Rating: G
Summary: Grammatically, a conception of the mind, still contingent and dependent. The hypothetical. A DMHG drabble.
The Subjunctive
By Marmalade Fever
It started out as mere whimsy. A what if. What if Draco Malfoy had feelings for her? There was little reason to actually think so, but as she watched him through her eyelashes, he did seem to act odd around her. Different. A look here, a gaze there, a tangible nervousness mixed with calm.
And her mind acclimated itself. If he were to act on these imaginary feelings, how would she respond? Her brain tissue knit into a conglomerate of wrinkled folds, rethinking her own emotions, until she was convinced that she had feelings for him as well.
And she began to doubt. She was nerve-endings alone. Was unrequited love, without the surety.
She kept her thoughts to herself and watched him through her eyelashes, not enough of a Gryffindor to do, say, or flirt.
What if?