Title: Eight and Eighth
Author: Marmalade Fever
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and more.
Genres: Romance, Drama, weird combo of in-Hogwarts and post-Hogwarts
Spoilers: DH (though no epilogue)
Overall Rating: PG-13
Summary: Up from the ashes of seventh year grow the roses of the eighth. Eight students return for their final year at Hogwarts,
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Comments 18
Er...I hope you're not going to crucify me or unfriend me after this...
The main reason for the double session is that Amorell's schedule is full, and so she has to double Hermione's session up with someone else. I agree, it's a bit farfetched, and I'm still a little iffy about it, too. But the plot bunny presented itself to me, and who am I to argue with the great and powerful plot bunny? And, yeah, the professor is pretty whacko. In any case, it's not really something I can go back and undo. (shrug) And I have so few plot ideas at this point that I'm starting to get desperate... perhaps not the best thing.
Glad you're not de-friending me. :D
I'm not too coherent today, so... I will just settle with:
1. The argument over the double-counseling prompted lols. :D
2. "That infernal Puddifoot's"... *snerk* I do love Ron sometimes.
3. Someone should distribute Padma's underwear all over the common room, like in the couch cushions and along the fireplace mantle and things. She would flip. It's what I'd do. If I was brave. Which I'm not.
1) Glad it made you laugh. :)
2) Ron can be fun, 'tis true.
3) Hmm, perhaps some revenge can be taken. Perhaps not through underwear in the common room, though.
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