That's a different site - personalized gaming computers for those that want a good computer but don't want to build it themselves. ^_^ Sadly I don't know the first thing about fans, cases, and video cards so I'm a bit overwhelmed with all of the choices for desktops *_* But they do seem to have reasonable prices~ An iPhone is going to cost me quite a bit so I'll have to hold off on the computer for now... At this point even Best Buy is starting to look tempting for CPUs -_- Guess I should be glad that my obsessing switched from a computer (which I can't afford right now) to an iPhone (which I can)...
btw I was reading your two blogger blogs (the wedding one and the google one). If you need any help planning or anything just let me know~ (no suggestions for places as I've only been to two weddings on the east coast ^^; ) Have you narrowed down the dress at all? What was the type of top you wanted? Not sure if you're into corsets at all (thanks to reading too many Victorian romances I really want to own a real one...) but there are also these:
btw I was reading your two blogger blogs (the wedding one and the google one). If you need any help planning or anything just let me know~ (no suggestions for places as I've only been to two weddings on the east coast ^^; ) Have you narrowed down the dress at all? What was the type of top you wanted? Not sure if you're into corsets at all (thanks to reading too many Victorian romances I really want to own a real one...) but there are also these:
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