Not having updated this thing in a while, it takes a bit of thought to decide where to begin.
The big theme of the past month and a half has been wrapped up in a work project that's been my bane for more than a year, and trying not to spontaneously combust in the process (seeing as how I’m the sort of person who is frequently prone to feeling as if I’m going to spontaneously combust).
It turned out well enough in the end, although it isn’t quite over yet.
undinesprite has been lovely and sweet, ensuring that I remembered both to breathe and to eat, although I still managed to neglect to do either at various times. Thank you, sweet-girl.
The past few weeks have included:
A blur of stress (The project is dead! Long live the project!)
A bent truck bumper replaced (bent in January and replaced in June; quite speedy in comparison to some of the other things I planned to get ‘round to)
A healing scar (incurred whilst trying to replace bumper)
Storms (Despite the last week and a half, this has been the spring of storms and tornados. I like a good storm; it clears the air and shakes the ground and pulls you out of a routine where you almost forget that there is a world beyond getting up and working each day, but I’m not in a hurry to be in the middle of a tornado any time soon. Maybe another day.)
Creative urges suppressed (I’ve always found that when you are the busiest with non-creative things-school or work-and have the least amount of time to pursue them is when you are inundated with all sorts of creative ideas.)
Projects imagined, but not begun (bookcases, chairs, nightstands, novels, short stories, etc.)
A pig with glowing green eyes (I had dinner with the family at a barbeque place near the apartment, which sports--among other things--a giant pink pig in front of the resaurant with eyes that glow a demonic green, where I had country fried steak, which was quite tasty. I’m sure the Evil Porcine Spirit had something to do with it.)
Magazines (My magazine addiction has reached new heights, although I haven’t reached the point of receiving a new one in the mail every day yet. I could probably write a post just about magazines, and undinesprite has told me that I should. Maybe later?)
A smell from the past (the oily, gasoline-soaked smell while replacing the fuel filter and attempting to get the old bumper off that reminded me, in the way that smells always seem to pull memories vividly to life, of all things military and acrid)
Walking (an absolutely necessary release of pent up anger and tension during the work-day, although I don’t know that it was walking so much as stair-running at the nearby parking garage)
Father’s Day (For Father’s Day I reverted to my default-gift when it comes to my father, seeing as how he’s nearly impossible to buy for unless you have an inside track with the expensive sections of a well-stocked hardware store, and got him one of the few palatable John Wayne movies I’ve seen, which included: incredibly beautiful scenery, the lyrical tones of Roscoe Lee Brown’s voice, an early John Williams score, and a young Bruce Dern beautifully chewing the scenery as the villain.)
Broken air conditioning (Although I’m thankful to my father for paying to have work done on the truck, including the purchase of a couple new tires for the front, I’m not so thrilled that it came back from the shop with non-working air conditioning. I spent several years without a vehicle that had air conditioning, and I’m sorry, but I really want it back.)
Transit of Venus (Although not as interesting as other astronomical phenomena to me, there were some very cool pics.)
Books (I managed to push other things aside occasionally during the last few months and finished a few books, including a book about a woman who swam to Antarctica, a man who studies how bodies rot in Tennessee, and a demon named Azhrarn.)
Hopefully there will be more time for updating journals in the future, as well as time for creative projects (a game involving Glass and Night, perhaps?), books, and more.