Marmfish Website

Dec 16, 2009 11:32

So, back when I started this comm, I had the idea that it would be, you know, the place you go. As one does. If one is a fish, made out of marmalade. As one occasionally is.

But as I thought about it, it occurred to me that not everyone reads a book, loves it, and goes directly to livejournal in order to search out a comm to find people with whom to talk about it. And chat about it and draw about it and write fanfic about it and make songs about it and cupcakes, y'all. So, I thought I could make a website. This has long been my dream.

When I spoke to orexisbella about it, it became her dream too. Or at least a waking fantasy. She even went so far as to get us this domain:

If you go to, you'll see it has one thing on it. That is the gallery Trish made, to which I uploaded some photos. Here are some ideas for what we'd eventually want this website to have:

-A gallery. (photos of meet-ups, costumes, cupcakes . . . A place to host fish creations, such as vids and songs)
-An archive. (of fanfic and fanart)
-An endless chat. (much like we have already, but hosted by us, one that is fast and won't crash)
-A forum.
-A wiki
-Any suggestions?

We were going to do a poll of what people would want to see on a website, but. Um. Personally I want to see all this stuff, eventually. But already, it's a lot of stuff. Trish and I are of the opinion that we should start small, with a nice forum and a strong chat. Then we can build from there. So what we need are people willing to volunteer some time and skills to making this happen.

Now, my whole problem is I, uh, don't know anything about building a website. But I'm sure some of you know what you are doing. Are any of you interested in building this thing? Trish says we need--um--(*looks it up*)--people who can do web design, graphics, cms, and--er--"general software monkeywork" (I can totally do monkeywork. *Nods so helpfully, head falls off* Don't know anything about software, though). Please speak up if you want to help and have skills to offer.

But even if you're like me, and have no skills to offer, we want to hear your ideas. This post is for discussion and volunteering and brainstorming and helping. Maybe together we can find stuff for us website n00bs to do, and get a plan to go forward with the Dream Of A Fishbowl Home.

fan project

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