Nov 03, 2007 19:19
well the gossip and mess goes round and round and has little to no baring on reality or fact but then i guess people do love to talk and they do need something to talk about dont they.
In truth i care little as in reality its got very little to do with me as its 99% assumption.
My mistake has been trusting people to read my journal and not make stupid assumptions about things that are not their business anyway.
And as for snidy anonymous rants , that is cowardly.
Anyway the subject which it was assumed i was talking about i briefly talked about to one person as they mentioned something that shows that others were bitching about a subject i has not talked about even once as it was no one elses business and frankly i was sick enough of it to leave it behind and be done with it.
And if people want to gossip and bitch behind my back then let them, i have enough life for it to be of little importance or affect, people do stupid things, life goes on and generally it all matters little what any of us do. If people has an issure or problem with me then they are the ones who are going to have to cope with it and not i.
And on the subject which was made assumptions on who it was over, i continue.
the person which it actually was about has already started making his mess. I have already had to talk to my friend over it and as i suspected, her besottedness with him just led to her justifying his behavior.
What bugs me most is that he has been a bit of a curse in my life for a long time, generally not directly but through how he has affected others, and once directly involving me and an ex girlfreind he caused such a rift between she and i have never communicated since. And after a few years of no links between us and my hoping that i would never have to hear of him again, suddenly he pops up. And so life goes round in circles. Perhaps i am wrong and he has changed.
But so far it seems not and so i am dreading what i suspect is to come.