Vacation Day 10: Napping whilst the neighbors whack weeds

Jul 10, 2010 22:05

Hooray! The rain yesterday has brought the weather back down to enjoyable. Outdoor yoga, midafternoon nap, writing on the front porch. In a few short days I should be halfway through the book. It's not very long, and the last couple chapters are each barely a sentence of summary, but I might actually get to write them if I just keep going through.

However, since it's not as hot, I really do need to get back to doing what I can do on the house. I'm tempted to buy some kind of wall-plastering compound and smear it all over the nasty paneling in my bedroom. It's not finished, it's not pretty, and it may not even be real wood. There is, of course, still the matter of The Plumbing Hole. The internet has show me how to put up a patch in the wall, but I kind of wanted a door in case of future need to access the plumbing, since plumbing is the leading cause of more than one friend's ceiling-related misfortunes.

Dang, I should take some of those DIY classes at Homo Depot.

I think I'll take a look at the list.

  1. Remove all plastic flowers and foofy curtains from the premises
  2. Call plumber - clear water line, remove old boilers, install new boiler
  3. Call electrician - new circuit box, outdoor outlets, possible more grounded indoor outlets (electrician coming on Tuesday)
  4. Remove wallpaper and paste from back bedroom (90% done...just a few spots to finish on this)
  5. Paint back bedroom
  6. Have carpets removed and floors finished in back bedroom and upstairs hallway
  7. Move into back bedroom
  8. Paint front bedroom
  9. Have nastyass whatever it is removed from front bedroom floor and have floor finished.
  10. Purchase and implement compost bin.
  11. Purchase hedgetrimmer. Use regularly. (will implement this part of the plan in a little bit...waiting for it to be less hot out)
  12. Purchase lawnmower. Use regularly.
  13. Clear weeds from back fountain area of garden - replant with perennials that attract pollinating insects (in progress...probably about 75% done with this)
  14. Clear ivy growing into house (about 30% done with most of the stuff that is on my property. Am going to have to talk to the neighbors about going onto their pro
  15. Scrape crustiness off old mailbox and repaint with Rustoleum. (I was just going to replace it, but it's so crusty the screws won't budge, not even with locking pliers.)

writing, repairs, vacation, home

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