I understand the Pittsburgh Parking Chair. In a storm such as we have had, I will even respect it. That is why I parked in the spot without the chair. I waited for ten minutes while the jerk with the oxygen truck blocked the street and stared at me trying to go down the street (instead of moving or doing something) because he did not want to move your chairs. And then when I tried to back up and go elsewhere, and the woman in the minivan turned down the street anyway and blocked me that way, yes, I yelled, but I waited. And yes, I did make her suffer a little because she was so close on my tail while I was trying to park that I had to rock back and forth a dozen times.
But I really draw the line at people coming out of their houses to discuss the parking space with me. I think it's inexcusable that anyone needs to yell and curse at me for "taking someone's spot", especially if that spot is on a public street and is not marked with home furnishings of any kind. If it bothers you, fine, let it bother you. Go inside and be bothered. It is freezing cold out and you are only wearing pajamas anyway.
(I had this in
pittsburgh earlier. Then I decided that I don't like anyone talking to me that I don't know, because they just want to tell me they disagree with me and what a jerk I am for thinking differently than they do. But this is my own LJ and I'll be as whiny as I want, thanks.)