Nov 08, 2006 00:51
无 言 的 结 局
女 :
男 :
让我再说爱你 别将你背影离去
女 :
男 :
I knoe this is absolutely old and passe song....but nevertheless,it spells out the situation very well. The red parts sounds pretty unfeeling,but that's sort of how things are. Yes yes,for friends who know me well enough,will know that i can be the very feeling sort , but i am also capable of being unfeeling in certain situation.
I admit,to a certain extent,i am the ego sort as well. Perhaps as the youngest among my siblings,i'm a spolit brat in certain ways.I am also guilty of being overly-critical and cynical at times.Being a Virgo,"perfect" seems a familar word. Of course, nobody is perfect,but at least i try my best.,要 求 尽 善 尽 美 . I cannot stand shabby and half-fucked stuff. I can only present my best-self and best piece of work infront of others. Judgements and preceptions are bad stuff,but arent we all judging people all the time?Being so, i only wanna be judged positively. Sometimes,i wonder,does everyone in this world has some sort of double personality?A perceived-self(known to others) and true-self(unknown to others).We're (often) afraid of exposing ourselves and yet,we(many of us) cannot tolerant pretenious people, ie hypocrites. When you try to be straight-forward and candid, others judge you as being tactless and mabbe,prententious.
Just how contradicting and complicated can human beings be?