Nov 13, 2004 13:01
Sorry I haven't updated in like forever all the drama from WL finally caught up with me during the time frame when I have no time what so ever cus of my courses. As of now I really don't have time but since I just woke up and I can't take a shower until 2 cus the bathroom is being cleaned i'm gonna update to try and wake myself up.
I hope there is snow on the ground though i highly doubt it since we just got rain and ice cold breezes that had very powerful gusts. Basically yesturday screw using an umbrella cus it only kept your head dry. The wind did the rest and got you soaked while making you frozen. I looked in the mirror when I got to my class and it looked like i had just went skiing for an entire day and I felt like it too it was bad.
WE HAVE SNOW ON THE GROUND!!! not much though and it may be gone by the end of the day but it's still snow. It shall be interesting walking around campus with snow on the ground. I just figured out that we really don't have anyplace to put it which will make it interesting to walk on the side of the road so we don't get run over. But anyways I think thats about it. i better get going so I can work on english and my socioloy term paper.
Calll me if you wanna chat it makes me happy when my phone rings hehe