So, uh, what's up? [closed]

Apr 21, 2014 23:15

There were moments when Marlow and Dean could just sit and lay in the grass by the Great Lake and just talk for hours about nothing in particular. They never quite needed a reason to see each other, always just there. It had been like that since they were eleven years old. But now, lately, there was always something lingering behind each interaction- whether it was a confession about Sabrina or a confession about Marlow's own sickness- everything had become so heavy lately that it was driving her mad.

But this time was no different, Marlow seeking refuge in her friend when she couldn't spend another moment in the hospital watching with baited breath if this would be the day that her mother finally woke up.

She needed to clear her head, she needed to just be somewhere else for a little while or she was afraid she was going to lose it.

Which was why she was so grateful that they were on the opposite side of London, tucked into the back booth of the Leaky Cauldron, Hannah Abbott dropping off fresh cups of tea for them while Marlow curled up into the corner.

"Binns is over-seeing my exams this week," she said, huffing a slight breath. "I haven't been back to the castle in a week-"

dean thomas

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