Well, the weekend was kind of salvaged.

Aug 30, 2004 22:44

Update time. :-/

First offthe football game date. She called me back. Seems her friend took a tumble down the stairs and broke her leg. The date got to play ride along in the ambulance and was at the hospital until 5am.

Yeah, I know Im not sure I buy it either, but she took me out to the corn maze (www.cornmaze.ca) and we had a good Saturday. Weve talked a couple times since. I still want to sign her friends cast, though.

Work news. Ugh. Once again, another job opening, another silent phone for me. I had better be getting into the management training come October, or Im going to have to start looking elsewhere. From all appearances, though, I will be getting it. There arent many people on the team that can do what I can, or even seem to want to advance

Other news I went and saw Hero on Friday. The new Jet Li flick. Go see it. Its very good. Afterwards, me and my brother went for beers with his co-worker. Lindy is consulting for a local radio station and may be getting the Program Director job. Hes seriously thinking about it, as he hasnt been happy with his current job. So, as hes talking about this, he says If I do it, I want you two to do a show for me.

People keep telling me I have a radio voiceI guess I would have a chance to prove it. Im actually pretty stoked about it. I wont know anything until he re-signs a new contract at the end of Sept. So, if I get into mgmt training, October could be pretty cool.
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