Aug 03, 2005 10:04
I need the internet at my apartment soon. ONce I get an ethernet thing it will be all set and ready for marlo to use.
so i am pretty sure that many of you have seen the movie ghost world. yes, right now I feel like I am in the movie. there is this new guy at work and he looks exactly like steve buscemi which happens to be my favorite actor and the hottest guy on the planet right now. anyway, this new guy is kind of creepy thoough. sure he is attractive, but fucking CREEPYYYYYYYYYYY. last night was super busy at work and i was left inside all alone, i can't even make fucking pizzas, and i was alone cause the guy who i was working with decided to go outside and cry all night, well he sucks anyway. so i called the mr. buscemi look alike to come in and help cause everyone elses wasn'tcoming in. so he is a creep on the phone than he asks what i am doing later and i told him i might go to dysarts. by the way he lives over an hour from work.
i leave around 11, then 45 minutes later my cell phone rings and it's from work. i answer it and i'ts him. he's like "you weren't at dysarts" and yes i said, i wasn't. then he wanted to hang out and i said maybe, so he gets confused about what im saying and sits at dysarts waiting all night.
the guy knows i have a boyfriend, and he's acting like a stalker. isaac came into work the other night and this guy comes up to him "you better watch out cause i look liek steve buscemi" isaac just lost if. so i think that i need to avoid this person, cause it's kind of scary what's going on. or tell him that i don't like him. im bad at handling things like this.
other than that today i have band practice and my car is getting fixed, so hopefully my brother will give me a ride to practice sometime this afternoon if he is awakeeeeeeeeeeeeee. money money m oney money. i think i will write an article about graffitti.