1. How would you describe your appearance? Height, build, hair color, etc.
I have brown (slightly reddish) hair. I used to dye it red, so a lot of people thought I was a natural redhead, but I'm not. I was when I was younger. My hair is naturally wavy and kind of out of control. I'm trying to grow it long again. I am medium-sized -- 5 foot 7, 145 lbs. I have big legs and big boobs. My skin is very pale. I have blue eyes. I've worn glasses since I was 10.
2. What's your education situation? Are you studying, or have you finished some study? How were your grades?
I didn't finish my B.A. I'm like 6 credits away. I was an English major and I also did three years of Chinese with the intention of minoring in it, but the way they've set up the program makes it impossible for "non-heritage" students to succeed in 4th year. They go from "still learning the grammar" in 3rd year all the way to literature in 4th year. And I knew non-heritage students who tried to enroll and the teacher would actively try to dissuade them from doing so.
My grades weren't very good because I'm a lazy student. I like to learn, but I procrastinate like hell when it comes to essays and projects. I think it's partially that I never learned to work hard in high school because I wasn't challenged, but it's also that I just don't have a good work ethic. Which I hate.
If I were good at academia and I went back to do it all over again, I'd do linguistics.
What I'll probably actually do is go to paralegal school at Vancouver Community College. It's part-time and I can do it on the weekends. Once my debt is paid off I'll do that.
3. Do you live in a big city or a smaller town? Urban or rural?
I live in a big-ish city, Vancouver. Big for Canada. Definitely urban. I like to be able to walk or bike everywhere.
4. What about the climate - hot? Cold?
Warm for Canada, but still too fucking cold. It snows most winters (but not every winter -- not this one, for instance). And it rains a lot. It rains straight from November to April, basically. I'd like to live in California. What's stopping me is mostly the USA's busted-up medical system. Scary to think about getting really sick or injured down there.
5. Do you drive? What transport do you use?
No, I never learned to drive. One day I will. It would be convenient for going camping and traveling. I ride my bike to work every day, unless it's icy or snowy, in which case I take the bus.
6. Do you speak any languages other than English?
Yes, I speak rudimentary Mandarin, enough for a simple conversation and to convey simple concepts to our clients at work. I can also read a bit, although my reading is much out of practice. I studied French up to grade 12 in high school and it was my best subject, but I haven't used it since then.
7. What's your job?
I'm a legal assistant. My boss is a notary public and an immigration consultant, so I don't do anything involving litigation or really complicated legal matters, but we do stuff like contracts, wills, conveyancing, affidavits, powers of attorney... and then also immigration consulting, which is basically filling out forms and putting together all the submissions to immigration for people. We have a lot of Chinese-speaking clients (I'd say about 50%).
8. Married, single, divorced, dating?
I live with my boyfriend. We'll probably file taxes as common-law this year. Eventually we will get married but we don't know when. Our honeymoon will be in Hawaii and my wedding dress will be green; that's all I know.