I did the North Shore loop today after work. It's about 20-25km in total, depending on where you start. You go across the Lions Gate Bridge to North Van, and then east towards the Iron Workers' Memorial Bridge and back across to Vancouver and west homewards. It felt so fucking good. I should definitely do it more often. I came home with endorphins aplenty and I've got all kinds of chores and things done. It makes me kind of wish I had a longer commute. Instead I think I'll just try to fit in more post-work rides like this.
I've been listening to
WNYC's Radiolab podcasts lately, and they're totally brilliant. Every single one, I learn something fascinating and I want to share it with everyone. The one I'm listening to right now is about
emergence. It goes from talking about ant and bee colonies, to cities and neurons and Google. I'm only about halfway through, but I just wanted to post and recommend the podcast to people looking for something super-interesting and sciencey to listen to. Public radio for the win!