I made
Zaru Soba for dinner last night. The first (and last) time I had it was in a Japanese restaurant in Hong Kong, but I've never seen it at a restaurant here. Easy to make, and yummy.
I watched the first two (of three) parts of Casanova on Tuesday, starring our own Tenth Doctor, David Tennant (and incidentally, also written by Russell T. Davies). It's very funny and very sexy, with great costumes. It's quite funny seeing Mr Tennant as a sex symbol, because he's pretty gangly and has a big nose and big eyebrows. But goddamn, I would totally hit that. The man has a million hit points and maximum charisma.
There was a guy at karaoke last night who did a couple rap songs, and whenever the N-word came up, he would say "ninja" instead. It was pretty ingenious. There was also a girl who perfectly executed Napoleon Dynamite's dance to Canned Heat by Jamiroquai. She was even wearing jeans tucked into black boots. AND there was a guy who busted out into the Run DMC Christmas song right in the middle of a sad country song. The tempo was just right, and he knew it word for word.
I'm wanting to either revamp my current bike, or get myself a used road bike. At the moment my bike's a little on the chunky and heavy side, and I want something more slick. Luckily I consulted
cjg before making any decisions, and he started spouting all this bicycle jargon at me and it's awesome (I need to learn about fixing bikes!) because he's totally gonna help me pimp my ride. SWEET.