who put the glad in gladiator?

Mar 04, 2010 21:59

This morning I was just puttering around, checking out YouTube when I stumbled upon the video for Zero to Hero from Hercules. It was like nostalgia crept up and slapped me across the face.

I've been in love with Hercules since my childhood.

I can remember times where I would act out entire scenes and songs for my parents in our living room, playing every role because I loved it that much. The songs, the characters, the greek mythology (which I would later learn was pretty much completely different than the actual story of Hercules, but I digress . . .), everything about just pulled me in and engaged me. I still have plush dolls of Pain and Panic somewhere in my house.

So, imagine my child-like glee when I discovered the video randomly as a related video. I then proceeded to watch every other song and my favourite scenes from the movie, followed by revisiting other Disney movies I loved (The Lion King, Tarzan, Mulan . . .) and then memorizing all the words to the songs again.

No life = indulging in childhood happiness.

It got me thinking though, how something as simple as a movie can bring up childhood memories that you thought you'd forgotten, and all the happiness that went with the memories.

Anyways, my thought of the day.

P.S. Ryan Reynolds is delicious. I'm just sayin'.


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