Having finally admitted to myself that modelling can be a legitimate job... even if um, it's not world-shattering, it probably pays well... I embarked upon trying to get signed by an agency. Got three interviews, only one yes, but they wanted me to pay £250 for a professional photoshoot. So I'm kind of putting that one on the backburner for now. However, I did get some pretty pictures out of the whole thing
http://www.flickr.com/photos/77881645@N00/sets/72157629112788106/ and take part in a presidentially themed photoshoot looking for an androgynous looking person
http://www.flickr.com/photos/77881645@N00/sets/72157629477672175/ I now have a blog about bad music:
http://malbonamuziko.blogspot.com and I'm thinking of doing an illustrated/technological collage of Gödel Escher Bach.
And looking for an acceptable job, having realized that I'm probably not going to get my CELTA certification until June. At the moment I'm bucketing for a kind of dodgy charity, and on housing benefit, and doing housework to appease the Murrays who I live with and make my debts smaller... the charity work is difficult, since it involves standing in one place for some hours in all kinds of weather. But I usually end up cheerful. Maybe it's all the vitamin D I'm absorbing.