WWE//wrestling survey Created by
sellmysoul and taken 51 times on
bzoink!current favorite wrestlersKane, Undertaker, Cena, Big Show, The Rock, Tazz, Stone Coldall-time favorite wrestlerKANE!!current favorite divasStacy Keibler, Christy Hemme, Gail Kimall-time favorite divaSTACY!!!!best finisherThe Wormbest weaponAnnouncer's tablebest entranceUndertaker (duh)best-looking divaSTACY!!!!!!!!!!!best-looking wrestlerThe Rockfavorite interviewerThe Coach (believe it or not)raw or smackdown?RAW!!randy orton or john cena?*begins 'Orton sux' chant*triple h or the undertaker?Like you have to ask? UTkane: masked or unmasked?MASKED ALREADY!!!trish stratus or victoria?Victorianumber of events you've been to2favorite PPV???least favorite wrestlersGene Snitsky, Randy Orton, Chavo Guerrerro, Heidenreich, JBLleast favorite divasDawn Marie, Trish Stratuswrestlers you've metAl Snow, The CoachnicestThe CoachmeanestAl Snowwrestlers you still want to meetKANE!!!! UNDERTAKER!!!!favorite mcmahonVincetheodore long or bischoff?Both are greatfor or against roster split?againstbest heelTriple Hbest faceThe Rockheels or faces?dependsbest theme songRandy Orton (sighs)stone cold or shawn michaels?stone cold (sighs)elimination chamber or hell in a cell?grrrrrrr..... both are cool...favorite match(es)Pre-unmasked KANE!!!!!!!!edge or christian?Edge (duh)(old school question) WCW or ECW?ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW!WWF in the late 1990's to 2000 or WWE currently?WWE has gone downhill a little since the glory days...tag teams: old or still great?oldric flair or hulk hogan?HULKAMANIA!!mick foley or the rock?gahhhhhh.... the rock (sighs)house shows or tv tapings?oooooooo..... (so far) house shows....iron man match or first blood?Iron manchris jericho or chris benoit?grrr... Benoit (sighs)best WWE on-screen coupleLita and MattE&C or Hardy Boyz?grrrrr.... E & C (sighs)bret hart: are you a fan or not?(duh)
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