(no subject)

Nov 01, 2007 20:27

You will never guess what song I heard on 99.1 today.

I heard "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire."  Seriously.  On November 1st.

Is this really necessary?  I understand that stores get earlier and earlier each year with their Christmas merchandise.  That is all about the bottom line.  That at least makes a little sense.  They need to make money, and the sooner that stuff is available, the sooner consumers want to get a jump on their shopping.

Ok, fine.  While I don't necessarily like it, I can accept that it's going to happen.

But why do we need to hear Christmas music on the radio two months in advance?  Does anyone really think to themselves, "Gee, it's November already!  I need to pull out my Christmas music selections and boogie down!"  I kind of doubt it.  And even if there are, those people probably have a miriad of Christmas music in their personal collection, and can listen to it every minute for the next 6 months, for all I care.  The thing is, that those of us who do not want to listen to the same 25 songs over and over for the next 55 days should have that choice.  And I am making that choice by not listening to 99.1 until after Christmas.  I find it very hard to believe that the majority of their listeners are in favor of this.  I'd like to think that most of us think that the Christmas season is long enough and commercialized enough without putting those subliminal messages into my head through the radio.

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas music.  But November 1st is just WAY too early.  I've still got trick-or-treating candy left.  I should not be hearing songs about sugar plums.  I want to think about turkey and stuffing, not baked hams and figgy pudding.  Please let me get to Thanksgiving without having to think of Santa and elves or coming up with the perfect present for everyone I know.

I can avoid the Christmas sections in stores.  I can refuse to buy Christmas presents before I'm good and ready.  And just the same, I can keep my radio tuned to a different station for the next This probably is a little extreme, and I'll probably listen to that station intermittently throughout the coming weeks.  But those station buttons will never be pushed faster than when a Christmas song comes on.  I just need another month.  30 days.  That's all I'm asking for.
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