Jun 29, 2011 20:28
Now that I've had my little snit of say.....
So the weekend of Father's day was a whole family weekend. I was supposed to take Crazy Aunt shoe shopping in Portland but she cancelled at the last minute because she's afraid of me. Whuss. It's not my fault the shoe gene skipped her, but I will not allow her to wear shoes that are 3 sizes too big to her wedding. Step. Step. Step. Fall on Face. Anyway, since we weren't doing that, mom and I took dad with us while I had the new tires mounted on the car, dad learned the power of smart phones for comparison shopping.
That night they went to a party and I got to go spend time with Cousins Roger and Leslie. We took a sail up the river to the mouth of the harbor. Roger was surprised that we had never done that but then I reminded him that last time we tried, I ended up taking him to the hospital for stitches instead. No hospital visits this time, we had lovely cruise. Pressured to pick something for dinner I settled on seafood. We found a new seafood and raw bar restaurant. Mmmmoysters. We walked down the street for ice cream, headed back to the house and goofed off for a while before we called it quits.
Sunday, dad wanted to take care of the entire outside of the house. So with one hired helper, we four weeded, cleaned, mulched and fixed all the gardens around the house, repaired the driveway, washed the windows, outdoor furniture and decks, transplanted a bunch of lillies and generally worked our collective asses off for 6 hours.
Dinner was ginormous t-bone steaks cooked on the grill by me at dad's request