Days just seem to be flying by. I've been waiting for spring, but it also seems like I just finished washing my faire clothes and packing them away. Tulips, daffodils, crocus and snow flowers are poking up, some already in bloom. It's rushing by. And only 2 weekends more until opening weekend. I'm no where near ready, and once it starts, it's going to rush past even faster.
Big boss is in town this week. We had a meeting with her this morning where she asked how things with the boss are going. Well in some areas, not well in others. While she applies the rules to everyone the same, she's too strict with the rules. She refuses to think outside the box to help her people and is instead suspicious of everyone she manages. She's a micro manager; she needs to be involved in everything and makes most of the team feel like she's less boss than babysitter. I guess we got through on that one, more meetings, one on one, are planned for next week. Should get interesting around the shop, I'm glad now that I have most of the 3rd week off.
@'s bands album project got funded on kickstarter. There were plans in the house to make up any missing funds in the last couple minutes. Never came to pass.
The platypii are everywhere and they're taking over.
I'm hoping any day now that I can have the snow tires taken off Vincent. Which goes against my first paragraph unstated wish that time would slow a bit.
grinning_fox and I are planning an Ambitious Project. We may work on it during season or just plot and get started after season. Depends on how the season goes I suppose.
Cousin Roger and Leslie took me to a Bruins game and dinner for my birthday. I haven't been since I was 8 and moved to California. It was awesome. As excited as I was, mom was far more excited. Mom was a huge Bruins fan before we moved to CA. She seems to think this one game will get me so hooked on the sport that I'll want to watch it every time I visit and we can yell and scream at the TV together, kicking dad out of the room. Dad abhors getting worked up over a sporting event. If it was just mom watching, he'd likely shut the TV off to stop the display. She figures with the two of us, she'll win and hockey will once again reign in her house. Next winter should be an interesting time.
After the game, we went for Indian food in Portsmouth. I love Indian food. Roger, who doesn't do very spicy well said to order everything at the hot spice level because it really isn't that hot. I trusted him. Ok, in his defense, the restaurant changed chefs since the last time he was there. According to the waitress, who laughed at him, the chef now makes the hot as Indian Hot. Poor Roger died. I just thought it was a tad too spicy. There were tears and he drank some 8 glasses of water. Yes, I told him that doesn't work but he would not be swayed.
That's all for now. This weekend will be another one of travel. There's a wedding shower on Saturday and I think possible plans for a horse's 25 birthday on Sunday? And plotting of course. We must have plotting.