Nov 15, 2012 17:38


A friend of mine who studies at the University of Erfurt in Germany is doing research for a paper on contemporary lay-fiction. Well, that is the official term. Actually she’s writing her thesis about fan fiction, more specific slash-fiction and even more specific Supernatural slash fiction.

She is not THAT much into the LJ-community. That’s why she asked me to spread this survey. It would be awesome if many of you took part and help her spreading some SPN-love!

Feel free or post in the comments or write me a PM if the comments section is too public for you. Feel free to write as much or as little as you want to. If you want to take part but feel that one or more questions are too intimate for you, feel free to state that and just go on with the survey. Please fill it in first and then check what the others wrote. That makes the whole thing much more objective.

Thank you all so much for your help. I’ll post the results as soon as possible.

ALL THE COMMENTS WILL BE SCREENED. (Thanks to karadin for the hint!)

  1. Your sex and age?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Your sexual orientation?
  4. How long have you been sexually active in real life?
  5. First contact with slash fan fiction (What age? Where? Which fandom?)?
  6. What do you find sexually arousing in a slash fan fiction (please be specific, kinks etc.)?
  7. What are your favourite pairings in SPN (name 1 - 3).
  8. Do you write slash fan fiction? How much (1: one or two one-shots - 10: all my stories)
  9. Do you act out some of the things you write?
  10. Do you use your actual sex-life as “creative director” for your slash stories?
  11. Do you watch gay porn? If no, do you watch porn at all?
  12. Do you masturbate with storylines you read / wrote in your mind?
  13. What do you liek about slash fan fiction? Why do you think is it so attractive to many people?


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